Sunday, December 16, 2007

Staying in the moment

Last night, Amelia slept in little stretches, with 40 minutes being the longest. I am one exhausted mama, and my nipples (sorry, guys) are very, very sore from so much latching. Thankfully, I had napped for a couple of hours two days in a row, and my patience was at a high, especially compared to two nights ago when everything brought me to tears. We waited it out, Amelia and I, and were very happy when Daddy took over at 6 am. Joe and I decided that two tired parents were no good, so we agreed that Joe would sleep on the 3rd floor for awhile. Its been a huge help, because he takes great care of us during the day. I highly recommend this strategy to any new parents-to-be. Having one of you well rested makes for a stronger team.

Our midwife came by today for our 2nd to last visit. Amelia weighed in at 8 pounds 12 ounces. She has gained 1 pound within the last two weeks. Very good eater! She still seems teeny to me, though her looks have changed since her birth. She looks more like her daddy now than she did when she arrived.

As you know from my former postings, being a new mama is more challenging that I imagined. My coping strategy is to focus only on today. I get overwhelmed when I think of night after night of not sleeping, and so much breastfeeding, diaper changing, etc. When I look too far ahead, I can't see the light at the end of the tunnel. I'd rather not know, but to trust that it does get easier and I will, eventually, reclaim some freedom.

In the meantime, I just need to trust that I can handle whatever comes my way. And to remember to enjoy the moments of closeness as she is curled on my chest. Staying in the moment - seems the best strategy all around.

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