Saturday, November 17, 2007

Will it be a boy?!

A few weeks ago, I noticed small red bumps on my belly. They were a bit itchy, but not too bothersome. I then noticed that my belly was very red, and hot, as compared to the rest of my belly. I shared this with my midwife, who did research and believes that its a condition called PUPPPs. This is really harmless, and likely related to liver functioning, and something that will not cause any harm to the baby (although the baby may have a rash when s/he is born).

Interestingly, most women who have PUPPPs during pregnancy are carrying a boy! When I first became pregnant, I really believed that I was carrying a girl. I changed my mind at around 5 months, when I kept dreaming about a baby boy and I started to "carry like its a boy". Most everyone guesses boy when they look at my belly.

I suddenly began to think it was a girl again, as soon as we got within "touchdown zone" of having the baby.

So, I really have no idea what gender this baby is ~ though it was interesting to read that PUPPPs has a greater occurrence in women carrying boys. We'll see!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi! I'm reading through your blogs because I've been thinking of you so much lately and wanting to be near you...this is as close as I can get right now because you are now probably holding your precious baby in your arms. Anyway, I too had the PUPPS rash and was also told by 99% of people that I was carrying as if I was having a boy! Just goes to show that all of the old wive's tales are just that - tales!