Wednesday, November 21, 2007

LLL Meeting

I went to my first La Leche League meeting last night. There were about 12 other mamas there (maybe more), and we discussed topics from co-sleeping to breast pumps to eating solids. I left there feeling less urgency around making friends with the daunting breast pump. Another pregnant mama described getting it in the mail and putting it right away because she didn't even want to look at it. I, too, have avoided 'the machine'. I had my sister-in-law come over and tell me what I needed to do. I got up and left (thankfully her kids wanted my attention) as she continued to explain it to my husband. Its so unappealing.

Another pregnant mom shared her "fantasy" about getting back to the gym a month after the baby arrives. I could relate to this fantasy, too. Hearing other moms saying 'take it easy', 'listen to your body', 'you may still be bleeding', etc., helps me to get a more realistic picture of what post-partum may be like. My fantasy includes cooking a magnficent Christmas dinner for my husband (the baby may only be 2 weeks old?!). I guess we can't really fathom what we'll feel like until we arrive...

Anyways, I met some of the other mamas from the "mama group" there. I am in terrific company with these women. I feel blessed to have met so many wonderful women throughout this pregnancy journey.

Oh, I'll be sure to post my henna belly today!!

1 comment:

Aimee said...

We are lucky to have found you too! I cannot wait to meet your little one. He or she will be surrounded by lots of friends!