Monday, November 19, 2007

Trusting my body

(Disclaimer: I anticipate an increase in postings as I pass time during these final pregnancy days.) I realized today that I am harboring a fear or belief that I will not go into labor spontaneously. If I do not go into labor naturally within a couple of weeks of my due date, I then face a greater likelihood of being hospitalized. I wish that there was a magic formula that I could take to ripen my cervix and prepare this baby for delivery. I imagine that getting my mind off labor may be a good first step, other than some positive visualization.

Now is the time for me to trust my body. My pregnancy was a result of an insemination, and I have some lingering mistrust that my body may not do what it needs to do on its own.

I believe its time to come to terms with this fear. To see it for what is (a fear), and to know that I will handle that. And, then, to focus on sending messages of trust and confidence in my body, and myself.

For those of you who read this blog, I really welcome your good wishes, positive thoughts, wisdom as I navigate these last days of pregnancy. Please don't be shy; I value and need to feel the support of a greater community as I prepare to cross this threshold...

1 comment:

Ivan said...

I think you have all the right instincts about your pregnancy, parenthood, and everything else for that matter. The powers of your positivity, inner strength, and calmness will certainly get you through these upcoming challenging days filled with waiting and wondering. And just in case all of that doesn't have Joe to back you up! Seriously, you are fully set up for a successful end (beginning?) to this journey.

Kate and I are thinking of you two lots and sending many +++ vibes your way. xo