Saturday, August 11, 2007

A side-ways turtle

I am barely six months pregnant (its week 25), and I must admit that I'm feeling a bit like a side-ways turtle these past few days. I had shared with a couple of other mamas that I was experiencing shortness of breath and dizziness on occasion, though it usually passes quite quickly. Today, I went out to meander around Harvard Square before a jewelry-making class for a couple of hours. I often do this - head in a direction with hours to kill and enjoy the luxury of walking and stopping wherever I choose. This outing, however, was quite a challenge physically. I would walk into stores, sit down for a few minutes to catch my breath, and then would get up and slowly creep around the block once again.

Now, I'm not in tip-top shape, but I've been getting out walking every day for nearly an hour, and doing stairs on occasion. I have felt great for the most part throughout this pregnancy. I am not sure if my body is simply adjusting, and maybe its cramped quarters around my diaphram (where is that anyway?), or if I am simply tired, or haven't been getting enough protein or water.

So, trimester 3 is starting to feel like the last leg of a race, or physical challenge, minus the competition. I remember a triathlon that I participated in a few years ago. The first leg, the swimming, was disorienting - never before had I been in such close proximity with so many swimmers at once - and I was pacing myself for all that was ahead. I was excited, nervous and basically going with the crowd. By the second leg, the bike, I was really enjoying the experience. I had struck out on my own, and began to think more about overall racing strategy. I was feeling good and on my way.... The last leg, the run, was by far the most challenging. Although the finish line was near, there was still a ways to go, though my body was tired. I had to trust that my body would carry me through, and that I had much more capacity than I believed at the moment. The mind/body connection became more important than ever. I surrendered to the experience, and finished feeling quite good, actually. (Seems like a good metaphor for the birth process itself...)

To be truthful, the 3rd trimester is incredibly exciting to me. It feels like we're so close to meeting our child outside the womb, yet I am still able to be one with my baby in this intimate experience of pregnancy. Joe and I have time and space to process what's ahead, and I am able to enjoy the duality of being with child, and having so much freedom.

What I have gleemed from yesterday is how important it is right now to fuel myself in a slow, steady way. AND, to keep getting out there to walk, and trusting my body when it needs rest. So, if I am a turtle on some days, so be it.


Kate said...

Erin, this is a fantastic idea! I get to climb inside your head for a bit. Don't worry turtle friend, "Slow and steady wins the race" :) I think it's great how much walking you have done in your pregnancy. And I'm sure that what you have felt walking around the shops is completely normal. I friend of ours here is 5 months pregnant and told me last weekend how frustrated she was for having to slow down on a usual walk with some girl friends. She was very frustrated for feeling overly hot and "puffed" (as she called it in her New Zealander accent). You're beautiful and your body is doing something very amazing inside, so it may not have the same energy for the outside stuff. Remember, what would you tell me if it was me in your turtle shell. I love you, :) kate

Ivan said...

I like the triathlon analogy (of course). Thanks for sharing all your thoughts, fears and joys with us. It feels like we are so much closer than we are. I have really enjoyed reading your entries and will definitely be checking in on you :) Exciting times up ahead... enjoy! My love to Joe! XO