Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Out & about & turning corners

I haven't written a post in 10 days... unprecendented! We have been out and about quite a bit lately, and it seems that there is little opportunity during the day to write now. We went to the Cape to visit "Nani Ga" (my mom)for two days, then visited with Joe's extended family here, and yesterday went to my brother's house to hang out with his kids. My 8 month-old niece, Sadie, wanted to eat Amelia. It was very cute.
Amelia is very smiley these days. Joe and I melt at each smile. It is so rewarding. It seems like we've passed through "newborn" stage (and survived!) and entered a "little person/baby" stage. She coos and "talks" during her awake spells, and even sleeps for longer stretches at night now! I don't keep track of how long she sleeps at night (too dark to see my watch and we are the flinstones without an alarm clock), but I would guess that we get a 4 or 5 hour stretch in during the night, followed by 1 or 2 hour stretches).
How am I doing?? Better. Which means that I feel a bit more rested and thus more like myself. I am also feeling more confident about taking Amelia out and trying new things. She hates the car (screams until she sounds like she's growling), but then eventually falls asleep. I have to remind myself that I am doing no permanent damage to her by being unable to hold her during those times, and that life will sometimes be unpleasant. It is challenging, though, to listen to her woeful pleas and do nothing. I am not a "cry it out" mama.
At home, we are slowing progressing to a better sleeping plan. I was very stressed about this a week ago. I wondered if I was creating a sleep problem that will be hard to fix later. However, I have consulted some sleep books and my sister-in-law, whose children are model sleepers, and realized that I can take it a step at a time. I am working now on putting her down for daily naps in a quieter place (and I still hold and snuggle her for some naps). Up until now, she has slept in my arms or the swing in the midst of activity during the day. So far, so good, and yet we have a good ways to go. Step by step.
I am discovering how important it is to be organized as a mom. To decide on a strategy and to work towards it, even when its easier not to. And to let some other things go (like dishes in the sink...) I am aware of my tendency to choose spontaneity and to balk at structure. Knowing this is helping me to pay more attention to what she needs short and long term.
On a very happy note, my brother and his wife gave birth to a baby boy, Jaden Thomas, this morning. A new cousin! We can not wait to meet him...

1 comment:

Ivan said...

As always, love reading about your adventures :) Sounds like you are beginning to hone your instincts :) big kiss to Joe