Friday, September 7, 2007

My first visit with our midwife

Yesterday, our midwife, Kelley, and her apprentice, Gina, came over for my first pre-natal check-up. The difference between this visit and my former doctor visits is remarkable. When I went in for OBGYN check-ups, they would check the basics (blood pressure, weight, sugar levels, baby's heartbeat), ask if I have any questions, and show me the door, all within less than 25 minutes. I would answer the question "Do you have any questions?" with a "Yes, what questions should I be asking at this stage of my pregnancy??" Needless to say, the discussions were usually rather short.

Yesterday, my visit looked quite different. I sat at our dining room table with Kelley and Gina, talking about my hopes, fears, health history, pregnancy symptoms, etc. There was no rush, except on my end, because I needed to leave for a board meeting. They checked my sugar levels (and likely something else I've forgotten), blood pressure, baby's heart beat, baby's positioning, and reflexes. An hour and a half after they arrived, I said goodbye to Kelley and received a warm hug.

My next visit will also be in our home, which feels like quite a treat. I e-mail her in the meantime with any questions that I have. I feel truly supported. The best part, though, was seeing Kelley relate to our baby, even though s/he is still in utero. When Kelley was feeling for positioning, the baby was kicking and moving about, as if in protest. I could see how much love Kelley has for her babies, and I felt grateful that my baby will be delivered by a woman who will treat him or her with gentleness, love and respect.

NOW, I am off to the Emmy's in two days for the thrill of a lifetime. Look for me on the red carpet... I will be the one making a casual statement in pants and a shirt. If that doesn't help, look for a big belly!

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